Detailed hi-res maps of Port Louis for download or print
The actual dimensions of the Port Louis map are 1530 X 1013 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 138955. You can open this downloadable and printable map of Port Louis by clicking on the map itself or via this link: Open the map.
The actual dimensions of the Port Louis map are 1283 X 803 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 256700. You can open, download and print this detailed map of Port Louis by clicking on the map itself or via this link: Open the map.
City tours, excursions and tickets in Port Louis and surroundings
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Our guide chapters over Port Louis
Port Louis sightseeing
When the Suez Canal was opened in 1869, the importance of Port Louis significantly declined. The city’s port was not an important terminal point on the sea route between Europe and Asia anymore. Despite the fact that the capital of Mauritius was forgotten on the international level, Port Louis has maintained its status of the island’s center until modern days. Moreover, when the independent Republic of … Open