Fun and festivities in Oman - celebrations, festivals and cultural events

Travelers who decide to spend New Year holidays in Oman should keep in mind that the end of the year is not an official day-off in the country. This is both an advantage and disadvantage at the same time. The disadvantage is in the fact that tourists will not see any celebrations and festive activities that have become typical in many other countries. Only some hotels have New Year parties. The advantage is that theaters, museums, and other interesting venues stay open, so tourists can get acquainted with the culture and history of Oman and communicate with local people who are always glad to tell guests about their home country and its traditions. There are not that many holidays that are celebrated in Oman, and the majority of them are religious ones.
Children are cherished in Oman, so travelers with children will find it interesting to make a vacation in this country. Young tourists will be excited …
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In January, the capital of Oman hosts Muscat Festival that cherishes the culture and history of Oman. This is a month-long festival that includes many authentic activities, such as camel racing that is so popular in the Arabian world, sports competitions, and cultural performances. It is possible to buy inexpensive oriental sweets virtually everywhere. When the sun goes down, the city is lit by colorful fireworks. This is the time when people from all parts of Oman come to vibrant Muscat to celebrate. The event also attracts many foreign guests. Muscat streets are always crowded and filled with joy and excitement during the days of the festival. This is a perfect time to get acquainted with the culture of Oman through its festivities.
Three days in March are dedicated to an incredibly popular sport in Arabian countries – camel racing. The roots of this event stretch back into antiquity. On a special hippodrome created for camels, specially trained animals and professional equestrians compete in racing, much to the excitement of numerous visitors and the main connoisseur of this entertainment – Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Said who is always present at the racing every year. On April 15, the country celebrates Isra and Mi'raj also known as The Prophet's Ascension, Ascension to Heaven or the Night Journey. After sunset, Omanis pray, and big cities have all the lights turned on the holiday’s night. Copyright
Exotic and oriental Oman is like one giant market full of interesting items, fresh fruit, and mind-blowing sweets. Shopping is simply irresistible …
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Eid al-Fitr is an important three-day-long festival that marks the end of the Holy Month of Ramadan. Also known as Uraza Bayram, this holiday has a different date every year. As a rule, the celebration falls to the end of May and the beginning of June. During the holiday, residents of Oman meet their family members, pray together and celebrate the end of long fasting. Many shops, banks, and other companies are closed, roads are filled with cars, and airports and train stations are full of people who travel to see their relatives. For tourists, it is better to refrain from visiting public areas during the holiday. Even though Omanis are peaceful and friendly people, big crowds are always dangerous. Moreover, there is a minimal but still a risk of terrorist attacks. On the first day of the celebration, Muslims pray in mosques. Once the Morning Prayer is over, the celebration begins. People put on their best clothing, visit their relatives, give presents to children, and cook festive food. Omanis give kindness and care to other people on this day.
![Masirah Island Masirah Island]()
July 23 is the day of an official holiday in the country – Renaissance Day. This is the day when Qaboos bin Said Al Said became the Sultan of Oman. In 1970, Qaboos bin Said Al Said deposed his corrupt father and became the ruler of the country. He united Muscat and Oman, reformed education, health care, economy, and other areas. Qaboos bin Said Al Said ended the isolation of Oman, turning it into a rich sultanate from a poor country and thus gaining endless love and respect of Omani people. Starting from the end of July and until the end of August, the country has Tourism Festival in Salalah. This is the rain season in the country, so people can have fun outside and forget about the heat. Omanis put on festive traditional outfits, meet their family members, and make picnics outside. Music plays non-stop, and local shops offer all kinds of goods. Numerous tourists come to the city to enjoy the celebration and visit hospitable Salalah once more.
The nature of Oman is rich in flora and fauna. The country is home to oryxes, turtles, Eagle rays, Arabian leopards, and Humpback whales. Frankincense …
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Day of Arafat is one more holiday that doesn’t have a fixed date. As a rule, it is celebrated in the period from the end of July to the beginning of September. This is an important day for all Muslims and the second day of the Haji pilgrimage. People visit mosques and pray. After that, Eid al-Fitr, one of the most important Islamic holidays is celebrated in the country. It honors the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son. The Islamic New Year is celebrated in this part of the year as well. It also doesn’t have a fixed date that is shifted 11 days every ear. The first month of Islamic New Year is met with prayers, lighting candles, and divine service.
![Muscat Muscat]()
The country celebrated Oman’s National Day on November 18. The holiday is celebrated for two days. Oman got its independence from Portugal in 1650, which made it the first independent Islamic country. November 19 is the birthday of the Sultan of Oman, Qaboos bin Said Al Said, a member of the dynasty that has been ruling the country since the mid-18th century. This holiday is a continuation of Oman’s National Day, so the day is filled with fun, parades, and festivals. Sultan’s portraits appear in all cities and towns of the country. Finally, Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday is also not fixed and has many religious celebrations associated with it.
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