Culture of Aitutaki Island. Places to visit - old town, temples, theaters, museums and palaces

Aitutaki Island can’t boast for its great number of cultural monuments and ancient architectural buildings. On the other hand, people appeared on the island a long time ago. According to scientists, first Polynesian canoes came to the local coats about the 5th century AD or maybe even earlier. Unfortunately, there is no material evidence of what was happening at those days. Polynesians didn’t build towns and they didn’t need stone houses either. Natives were living in small groups and inhabited simple villages, ate seafood and local fruit. Despite the primitive way of living, descendants of the very first settlers still inhabit the unconquered island. And the fact becomes even more surprising when you remember that the Māori had constantly fought against each other owing to different reasons. Nevertheless, it’s also another reason why there are so little objects of Polynesians’ culture here on Aitutaki Island. Moreover, it’s rather peculiar that the island’s and other adjacent ones’ nationals were those who populated New Zeeland, not vice versa.
Active tourists would especially like Aitutaki Island. There is a great number of opportunities for your fascinating pastime so you definitely won’t be bored here. As an example, you …
Europeans found out about the island quite late. It’s supposed that William Bligh, captain of the Bounty and then appointed as the Governor of New South Wales, was the first sailor who passed Aitutaki Island. It took place in the 12th century, the year 1789 to be precise.
In addition, Aitutaki Island and the rest of the archipelago were firstly named as the Cook Islands only in the 19th century by famous Russian sailor Adam Johann von Krusenstern. James Cook himself named the territory as Hervey Island. And the locals are lucky on this point. Today, any traveler can visit the traditional Polynesian village that hasn’t changed through the last centuries. Englishmen weren’t really interested in the island and its neighbouring territories so they didn’t even attempt to take the island under control, to build something large here or to make the local population slaves. Copyright
Luxury resorts of Aitutaki Island are sure to impress even the most discerning travelers. Tamanu Hotel located at the picturesque beach of the same name is popular among travelers. Its …
You can also travel to the far areas of the island if you’d like to, far from hotels and places of interest, to communicate with the Māori. So, there you can see how people used to fish, build houses and various outbuildings, weave, carve wood, cook, and carry out religious rituals. The Māori don’t mind tourists who actually want to find out something new and even can talk to them and tell fascinating stories about their lives. You can also stay at one of the local traditional houses there for a night as a guest, just don’t forget to present something to the man of the house or the chief of the tribe – it’s essential.
There is a rather significant for the religious life of the archipelago construction – Christian church (1828), Aratunga. It’s the oldest church on the island. It’s so important for the locals as it’s exactly the place where the first European preaches settled. Conversion to Christianity was quite successful, that is why the church presently is not just one of the local architectural attractions but a pilgrimage object too, especially in the day when the anniversary of the first missionaries’ arrival is celebrated. The building is an ideal example of colonial religious architecture. The church has never been reconstructed, so tourists can even now see the original version, just like missionaries planned it to be.
Aitutaki is a comparatively small island. Here you can find a great variety of souvenirs made by local craftsmen as well as basic necessities. However, if you’re aimed at the huge …
Old town houses and administration buildings are really nice as well, particularly those that are not far from the central square. Most of the are made from basalt. They are not only in the fine condition up to date but also look pretty unusual.
Despite Christianization, people of Aitutaki Island hadn’t destroyed other temples and ritual circles and still perform sacred ceremonies there. The main island’s harbour which was built just a half-century ago also looks quite peculiar. Modern yachts, casual fish boats, pleasure boats, and traditional colourful canoes share the port.
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