Detailed hi-res maps of Acre for download or print
The actual dimensions of the Acre map are 1413 X 1094 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 269681. You can open this downloadable and printable map of Acre by clicking on the map itself or via this link: Open the map.
City tours, excursions and tickets in Acre and surroundings
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Photogallery of Acre sightseeing
Our guide chapters over Acre
Shopping, streets and outlets
The historic White Market is a symbolic place for residents of Acre. Once it was one of the largest and most crowded markets in the region, but the importance of the White Market disappeared over the years. Nevertheless, there are still several dozens of vendors that offer their goods every day. All kinds of household items make up the majority of goods. It is also possible to buy inexpensive clothes made from … Open
Attractions and active leisure
How about relaxing in a casual setting and watching football? For this purpose, visit Exit, a popular bar that attracts local youth and sports fans. Besides a great choice of beer, cocktails, and signature snacks, the bar broadcasts the most popular sports events. On the days when there are no important football matches, the bar’s staff connects game consoles to TVs and offers visitors to play and have fun … Open
Cultural excursion through Acre - things to see
Al-Jazzar Mosque is the most outstanding religious landmark in the city. It was built in the second half of the 18th century by the order of Ahmad Pasha el-Jazzar. The mosque was built on the site of the destroyed church of the Templars. Starting from its opening, Al-Jazzar Mosque has been one of the biggest mosques in the country. The magnificent design in line with the historic traditions of the region deserves a … Open
Acre sightseeing
The first settlement at the site of modern Acre appeared approximately in 3000 BC. Acre became one of the first cities conquered by Thutmose III during his military campaigns. When Alexander the Great conquered this territory, Greeks started settling in the region. At that time, there were no Jews in the ancient city. Only when Muslims managed to make Acre their own, the Jewish community started developing here. … Open