The main ingredient of ethnic cuisine in Penang is rice being put to the heart of many local dishes. Expert cooks prepare rice in great many ways. The rice can be roasted with vegetables and spice and herbs, steamed or stewed in coconut juice. The most known and much fancied dish among foreign guests is still satay. The treat consists of slices of chicken or other sorts of meat grilled on an open fire and added with astonishing accompaniment made of rice named ketupat. This is rice wrapped in coconut palm leaves and steamed.
Ketupat may be served as a main course as well. The treat will be of great interest for vegetarian diet fans. The dish may be added with fresh vegetables. The meal of utter significance among local folks is breakfast. Any ethnic restaurant of the resort serves the most popular morning dish being the nasi lemak. The dish presents rice boiled in coconut juice added with boiled hen eggs, fresh cucumbers, roast peanuts and anchovies.
However the local restaurant have plenty of other non rice treats on the menu. The assortment of dishes served in local eating houses includes as extremely exotic treats so regular dishes being habitual for most tourists. An original dish preferred by tourists is considered to be tahu goreng being small dices made of soya flour which are roasted and mixed with soya shoots and added with hot spice and herbs when served. Among first courses the most popular and most ordered dish is laksa johor which is added with rice noodles and various herbs and spice when cooked.
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