Jerusalem is a city which is characterized by a particular rhythm of life. Foreign tourists may consider it strange and unusual, but visitors who manage to feel the local culture will be astonished at an unforgettable sense of harmony and happiness. Many local laws are different from those to which people from European countries are used to. For example, a special calendar is one of the main distinguishing features of the national culture.
Unlike the traditional Gregorian calendar months in Jerusalem start with the start of the lunar cycle. The middle of a month falls on the full moon, and a month ends on the day of the new moon. The beginning and the end of a day are also marked in a different way. While in most countries midnight is considered the beginning of a new day, in Jerusalem sunset tells people about the beginning of a new day. Thus, a new day comes in the evening and this is the reason why the celebration of so many national holidays begins in the evening.
A large part of national celebrations is associated with religious traditions. There is also a large number of festivals organized in the memory of important historical events. All holidays are usually celebrated in a family circle. Every celebration has a number of unique customs and traditions, which are invariably followed for centuries. Virtually every religious holiday starts with reading prayers. This is an important ritual that is trusted to the eldest member of a family. Once a prayer is finished, it is continued by a lavish feast. All close friends and acquaintances should be present at such celebrations.
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