Some older religious objects, such as the mosque of Ibn al-Hammes and Matabba, have also preserved in Kuwait. Both of them were founded in the 18th century. Today they don’t cease to amaze curious travelers with their impressive appearance. Returning to the subject of modern monuments, it is worth mentioning Kuwaiti towers. Beautiful skyscrapers were built in 1979; the height of the largest tower is 187 meters. Tops of skyscrapers are equipped with excellent viewing platforms that are among most popular attractions for tourists.
Excursion to Old Seif Palace will provide an unforgettable experience. It is the most important monument of the late 19th century. Indescribable atmosphere of luxury reigns in palace; its design is fine in every detail and it is entirely consistent with appearance that took place a hundred years ago. Tourists should definitely see surviving fortifications of the city, Shamiyya, Maskab, Baraisi and Jahra gateways. Several centuries ago, Kuwait was a powerful fortress city, in 1957 the surrounding walls were completely destroyed, but gates have managed to preserve to the present day.
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