Coventry is a modern resort city that is located not far away from London. This is an important historical center of England. This place became famous due to Scottish queen Mary, Lady Godiva and royalists who lived during the times of Henry VIII. In the end of the 19th century this city started manufacturing high quality watches and make best sewing machines and bicycles in Europe. Coventry was damaged severely during World War II, but it managed to resurrect from ashes like the legendary bird Phoenix and only improved its status of the large industrial center.
The school building is one of the sights of the city that is highly recommended to visit. The school was built in 1100. Initially the building was occupied by a church, and starting from 1557 – by a Catholic classic school. Among the most famous religious facilities of the city we should mention St. John Church built in 1344 by order of Queen Isabella. In the 16th century the church lost its religious meaning and was used as a prison. Captivated royalists were kept in it. Bablake School is another educational facility of medieval times. It was built in 1560. This school is located near Bond’s Hospital on Hill Street, so both houses are connected by an arc. If you pass the arc by, you will enter a cozy inner yard, which hasn’t changed through centuries. While walking in the park you can see Cook Street Gates that are decorated with a bas-relief featuring the symbol of the city – an elephant that holds a castle on his spine. One more religious facility that has miraculously survived in war is Church of the Holy Trinity. One of the church’s towers is 72 meters tall.
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