Greenery occupies more than half of the city’s territory. The reason for this is in the fact the majority of people lay out gardens around their homes. It has already become a good tradition. You can find numerous squares and parks right everywhere in Oldenburg. Schlogarten and Eversten Holz are considered the most beautiful park and forest respectively. Many years ago these nature reserves belong to the noble lords, who used them for rest and hunting. In the city you will also find numerous old buildings created in 14 - 18 centuries. However, the majority of the historical monuments were destroyed during a severe fire in 1676.
Kulturzentrum remains one of the most interesting architectural monuments. Originally it was a hospital, and today the castle hosts Cultural Center of Oldenburg Life. Here usually take place most important events including musical concerts, art shows and lectures. Not far away from the center you can see another remarkable building - the Main Library a music school opened more than two centuries ago. Picturesque streets, spacious parks and cozy restaurants will certainly conquer the heart of any traveler, and you will want to return to this wonderful city again and again.
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