Kassel is one of the most meaningful sights down the famous German Fairy Tale Road. This is the place where Brothers Grimm wrote their most colorful and vivid fairy tales, which have by now been rendered in more than a hundred languages. This legendary fairy tale path that stretches from Hanau to Bremen, will take you into the wonderful fairy world, revitalizing your brightest and most romantic childhood bed-time story impressions.
Kassel abounds in museums, and it has become a true mecca for art lovers. Since 1955, one of the world's most famous modern and contemporary art exhibition – the 'documenta' – is held in Kassel. The Schloss Wilhelmshöhe Museum presents a fascinating collection of antiquities and items crafted by old-time masters.
The numerous frequenters of the 'documenta' exhibition owe this unique opportunity to Arnold Bode and his friends. The exhibition is held every 5 years, and it has in a way contributed to the city's current look. For instance, documenta 7 presented the 7.000 oaks by Beuys, which have been planted around the city and marked with basalt blocks for easy recognition.
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