Indigenous people are very sociable and hospitable; they are ready to discuss anything with foreign guests. The taboo topic is one concerning the Second World War, as natives are very ashamed of that Hitler was Austrian.
Indigenous people are very thrifty and it concerns primarily natural resources. Foreign visitors should be prepared for the fact that locals are saving literally everything here, including water and electricity. Guests of large hotel complexes mayn’t notice that thing, whereas in private hotels electricity is often turned off at night.
Locals prefer to have a rest just after sunset, so it won’t be easy to find a store or a restaurant working late in the evening. Grocery stores may be closed in the middle of the day; morning is the best time to visit local markets.
Business travelers have to remember that indigenous people are very punctual. In any case don’t be late for a meeting; apologies will be accepted with difficulty, and the reputation of the inattentive partner would be hurt badly.
Local residents consider appearance to be very important; regardless of the situation they are always very neat and tidy. Even if you plan to go hiking to one of the nature reserves, you still need to take care of a decent appearance.
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