The best place to profitable exchange any currency is an airport. Cash machines charge a rather high transaction fees meanwhile banks feature a rather formal procedure which will take much time. Many hotels have currency exchange offices on their premises which commonly process a sum of 300USD or equal to it in a day.
All restaurant and cafes without exception as well as at beauty salons and hotels include a service fee into a total bill. Leaving additional cash reward is not customary there.
Utility supplied voltage is 110V there. One should check all the appliances for compatibility before a journey and get necessary adapters and connectors for using the utilities. Large hotels provide adapters and connectors on demand.
Even though Osaka is a rather peace and quiet city tourists should keep to simple safety rules there. One should not leave personal thins as begs and overcoats unwatched in public crowded places. Setting off to a promenade to remote areas of the city one should be accompanied with a guide.
Stores and shopping centers should better be visited by noon as in evening the stores are overcrowded. Setting off to an excursion one should keep in mind long queues being a rather common phenomenon for the area.
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