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Malta Celebrates 2 Million Tourism Mark

News The Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) has revealed the latest information about the inbound tourism to the Maltese Islands. According to the October 2017 data provided by the National Statistics Office, this year the country reached an important milestone – 2 million foreign tourists. All main metrics were growing this year, and that helped Malta reach such a fantastic result.

Without a doubt, it is going to be harder to book a hotel in Malta soon. The increase in the number of inbound visitors estimates 12% this year. Tourists also spend 6.2% more nights on the islands. The total tourism expenditure added 10.2%. The growth in the number of inbound rips is 15.7%, so the 2 million milestone mark was reached during first 10 months of the year. In total, foreign guests spent as many as 14.7 million nights in Malta (+10.2%). The total expenditure of tourists added 13.2% to the level of 1.7 billion euro. In 2016, Malta reached similar results only in December – almost two months later than this year. Therefore, 2017 has a chance to become a record year for the country.

What could be the reason for such success? According to MTA CEO, Malta has a shift in seasonality. Before, it was mostly a summer destination, but nowadays there is no drastic drop in tourist numbers in winter. Positive demography is one more reason. MTA has already expressed their delight with the fact that the islands are very popular with younger generations. For modern travelers, Malta is a fresh and vibrant destination where visitors can have fun, learn more about the rich culture of this place, and explore Malta’s iconic architectural landmarks.

The average spending per bed night has already increased significantly. The growth of accommodation rates and other expenditures have caused these positive shifts in the local economy. Not only has the hospitality industry of the country benefited from this but also the economy of Malta in general. Dr. Konrad Mizzi, the tourism minister of Malta, also commented the 2-million mark milestone and underlined the importance of initiatives in the tourism sector for the wellbeing of the country. The government will keep collaborating with the Malta Tourism Authority over the future development of the industry.

Meanwhile, Valetta hotels expect the fantastic year of 2018 as the city was appointed the European Capital of Culture. As a rule, the city with this honorable title gets increased attention and more visitors who are eager to explore its heritage. Therefore, next year looks very promising for Malta as well.


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