Circumcision ceremony is one of the oldest and most important rituals in the life of any man in Madagascar. As a rule, the ceremony turns into a festive celebration that can last up to several days. This is the time when numerous guests gather to enjoy delicious treats. According to an old tradition, guests cannot come in red clothes to this celebration. Various competitions in dancing, music, or strength have become an essential part of the ceremony. Other important national celebrations include the Independence Day that is celebrated on June 26 and All Saints’ Day that is celebrated on November 1.
In order to understand local people better, it is important to remember their Asian-African heritage. The island’s unique society has a complex set of customs that is incredibly interesting to explore. The power of dead ancestors is believed to have a great importance in Madagascar. Locals call it razana. It is believed that spirits look after their descendants, and so it is important to respect souls of the dead. Each family can have its own traditions and taboos (called fady) to make sure razana bless them. As local people believe that soul is immortal, they consider death the most important part of life as this is the time when the soul becomes an immortal razana. This makes people in Madagascar pay much attention to burial tombs that often look very beautiful. Funeral practices are also nothing like in the Western world. Quite often, these are joyful ceremonies, but traditions can vary depending on the community.
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