Jurmala is a resort town with more than 150-year-old resort traditions. It occupies one-tenth part of the coastal line. The town is a place for those who are extremely tired of bustling city life and are eager to turn to Nature at least for some time. Everything there will help you to relax, to feel better and to forget about everything else in the world. It has a curing fresh sea wind, the smell of pines, soft golden sand. The place is also famous for hosting different festivals, mainly music ones. It is a double when you have a chance to listen and watch lots of talented people and then feel yourself a part of Nature.
Jurmala is a resort town with more than 150-year-old resort traditions. It occupies one-tenth part of the coastal line. The town is a place for those who are extremely tired of bustling city life and are eager to turn to Nature at least for some time. Everything there will help you to relax, to feel better and to forget about everything else in the world. It has a curing fresh sea wind, the smell of pines, soft golden sand. The place is also famous for hosting different festivals, mainly music ones. It is a double when you have a chance to listen and watch lots of talented people and then feel yourself a part of Nature.
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