Thasos attracts tourists who like to rest on the sea shore, but it also has to offer a number of landmarks. Museums and antique buildings can be found at every small town on the island. Limenas, the island capital, is an interesting historical place to visit. There are remnants of ancient defensive walls and Acropolis ruins.
Another antique landmark is the ruins of Appolo temple; tourists’ favorite walking places are market square and the old docks area. The biggest archaeological museum on the island is also located in Limenas and introduces the history and religion of Thasos to all those interested.
Second biggest town on the island is Limenaria. An ancient fortress located on top of the hill provides an excellent view on surrounding area and is the true symbol of Limenaria. The Palataki residence is located on a scenic cape extending into the sea. It was built early in 20th century by one of ore mining companies working on Thasos. Nowadays the residence is one of the most important local landmarks and hosts the modern cultural center.
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