An important feature of local cuisine is preserving the natural taste of every dish in general and every ingredient in particular and scarce addition of sauces and spices. Another remarkable feature of the ethnic cuisine is lack of bread. Bread during meals is substituted with various puddings and cheese. Local cuisine keeps several hundred recipes of this popular ethnic treat. Puddings are cooked with cereals and added with vegetables and fruits.
Breakfasts are another peculiar feature of ethnic cuisine as one should not hope for a traditional generous portions and vast choice of meals at the table. Guests will most probably be offered a traditional hamlette being scrambled eggs with ham, a light vegetable garnish and toasts with paste. Noon is the best time for lunch, offering a more nutritive meal. Local restaurants offer a rich lunch menu including various sorts of sandwiches. Also local residents still keep up a good tradition of evening tea, so a free table is rather challenging to find in any local café or eating house at 5 o’clock in the evening.
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