Each year Bonn becomes home to an engaging festival, which attracts a huge number of tourists. This is the famous fireworks show called "Rhine in flames". Incredibly beautiful fireworks, boat trips on the river, fairs and concerts - the festival's program is very rich and diverse. Because the event takes place near numerous famous historical sites of the city, the festival is truly unique and very interesting to visit. All main festivities and most significant events of the festival are held on the weekend.
Starting from early in the morning all central streets and main squares of the city are used as venues for performances of music bands and theatre plays. Here visitors can attend games for children, as well as various sporting events and fairs with widest selection of goods. Numerous outdoor cafes offer visitors of the festival to try fresh pastries and sweets, as well as taste unique taste of wine, the best sorts of which are delivered to the city specifically for the holiday. Near ancient castles are organized spectacular jousting tournaments and beautiful costumed performances.
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