Belize is a magnificent place and a beautiful city that is famous by its tropical forests, amazingly mild climate and rich choice of flora and fauna. Official currency in Belize is Belize dollar. There are many banks in the city, the majority of which work from 8 a.m. and up to 1 p.m. However, you can exchange money almost everywhere – in the city’s airport, in a hotel, and even in many shops. The city was founded in 1970. The population of Belize estimates 7000.
Belize has quite a well-developed infrastructure and here you will see multiple buildings that feature various architecture styles and splendor of modern technologies and convenience. Here you will also see a phenomenal number of sights and historical values. The main sights of Belize are Caracola ruins, Forest Reserve Mountain Pine Ridge, and “Stone Maiden” located on the top of the mountain. “Stone reservoir” Altun Ha is an archeological center of the country that traditionally attracts large number of students. Here were founded squares and temples of classical period, unique burials and the Temple of Stone Altar.
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