The main tourist center of the city is the Linz City Tourist Board located next to the Hauptplatz train station. The center serves its customers daily. You can take booklets describing sights and a city map, as well as learn about upcoming cultural events and book tickets in the tourist office.
The high tourist season is from May to October. At this time, the most favorable weather prevails. The temperature rarely drops below 20 degrees Celsius, and rains are rare. Travelers who expect to visit Linz at this time are advised to book a room in advance.
Public transport in Linz is represented with an extensive network of trams and buses. Tickets have to be bought in advance; they are sold at stands at bus stops and tobacco shops. The cost of a ticket for a single journey is 6 euros; paying 2 euros you can buy a ticket for a single day, and a ticket for a week will cost 7 euros.
Tourists who expect to see landmarks situated not only in the city, but also in the surrounding area, are recommended to rent a car. Avis, Denzel Drive, Hertz and LaudaMotion are the most popular and reputable centers. The latest rental center is located near the Hauptplatz train station and has the most attractive prices.
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