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Tour & Travel Packages to Zurich

TRAVEL DESTINATION: Zurich, Switzerland
Zurich city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Zurich city - places to visit in Zurich The Friedhof Cemetery.The Friedhof Cemetery is known for the fact that there is buried James Joyce, the Irish writer, pacifist, who during the First World War lied in Switzerland. In Zurich he wrote one of the most significant novels of world literature 'Ulysses'. Not long before his death, in 1941, Joyce went back to Zurich, where he died. At his tomb there is the monument in honor of the writer, so you'll not pass by it.

The Kunsthaus. The Kunsthaus is one of the most interesting museums in Zurich. It yields to no one of the museums in big cities: the exhibitions of the Tate Modern (London) were developed by the Kunsthaus or belonged to it. The permanent exposition of the museum includes the rich collection of Munch's, Monet's, Van Gogh's and sculptures by Rodin. Besides that, the museum gives an opportunity to learn something about the Swiss art, starting with the patriotic works of the 19th century by Ferdinand Hodler and ending by modern joyful installations by Fischli & Weiss. Fischli & Weiss promised to bring an action against the advertising agency, which created the famous Honda advertising video clip about the in series moving details, because they found it similar to their film 'The Way Things Go' (1987).

The Opera House. The Zurich Opera House was the first electrically lit opera house in Europe. The neo-baroque building was created in 1891 near the lake on 1800 oak piles. It was unveiled with the 'Lohengrin' by Wilhelm Richard Wagner. Since 1996 the Zurich ballet is managed by Heinz Spoerli, one of the greatest choreographers of our time. The art director of the opera house is Alexander Pereyra, who is a very important figure. As a rule, 15 of 50 staging are premieres. This way the Zurich Opera House offers the visitor the largest number of premieres in Europe.

The Zurich Design Museum. The Zurich Design Museum is a very interesting place, where the word 'design' is understood quite widely. There one can visit the exhibition that tell us, for example, how in Switzerland Bollywood cinema is shot or that ones that analyze the dendrites all over the world. The expositions also present the history of various types of food packages or about the history of posters. Visitors will surely find plenty of unusual and creative ideas and art objects there.

Read more about Zurich in our City Guide ...


Zurich Airport Data

Airport Address: Zurich Airport, Unique (Zurich Airport Ltd), PO Box, CH-8058 Zurich-Airport, Switzerland
Distance and Location: The airport is located 12km (8 miles) north of Zurich
Airport Website:
Airport E-mail:
Airport Telephone: (0)43 816 2211
Country Code: 41
Time Zone: GMT + 1 (GMT + 2 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October)
Total Number of Terminals: 2
Moving between Terminals: The terminals are connected internally on three levels.

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