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Airline Tickets from Napoli

TRAVEL GUIDE: Napoli, italy
Airport Information: Naples, Italy - Capodichino

General Info

Airport Address: Naples International Airport, Via del Riposo 95, 80144 Naples, Italy
Distance and Location: The airport is situated 7km (4 miles) northeast of Naples
Airport Website: www.gesac.it
Airport E-mail: info@gesac.it or customer_service@gesac.it
Airport Telephone: (0)81 789 6111 or 789 6259
Country Code: 39
Time Zone: GMT + 1 (GMT + 2 from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October)
Total Number of Terminals: 2
Moving between Terminals: The terminals are located close together and passengers can walk between them.

Information and Customer Care Desks

The customer service desk (tel: (0)81 789 6259; e-mail: customer_service@gesac.it) is located on the ground floor of the Arrivals area; flight, airport and tourist information is provided here, as well as services such as VIP assistance and porter service.

Available Facilities and Services

Money withdrawal and Communication facilities: A bank and a post office are located on the right-hand side of Terminal 1, very close to the terminal building. ATMs are located in the Arrivals and Departures areas of Terminal 1. There are bureaux de change in both Departures and Arrivals. Four Internet points are available on the first floor and in the Departures lounge, equipped with monitors, keyboards and web-cams. Cafe and restaurants: There is a selection of restaurants, bars, cafés and snack bars at the airport. Shopping facilities: Shops are concentrated in the Galleria Napoli, on the first floor of Terminal 1. There is a duty-free shop in the Departures lounge. The Sunstore newsagent and gift shop is located in the check in area. Luggage services: Trolleys are available throughout. A 24-hour lost property service (tel: (0)81 789 6766) is available. Other services: A Red Cross medical centre is located in Arrivals, with medical assistance available daily 24 hours.

Car Parking Info

There are six car parks at the airport with a total of 1,252 spaces. The car parks are located along the main entry road to the airport. P1 is for long-term parking and P3, P2, P4 and P6 provide short-term parking. P5 offers a car valet parking service from Quick No Problem Parking (tel: (0)81 789 6366).

Driving by car from/to Napoli

From the centre of Naples, take the Tangenziale (bypass) road towards Capodichino and turn off at the exit marked ‘Secondigliano/Aeroporto.'

Public Transportation from/to Napoli

How to reach: By Taxi: Taxis are available from outside the Arrivals area. By Bus: ANM buses run to Napoli Centrale railway station, arriving at the port of Naples (Piazza Municipio). Alibus shuttle buses also run to Napoli Centrale railway station and then to Piazza Municipio in the centre of Naples.

Napoli city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Napoli panorama - popular sightseeings in Napoli Located in the south of Italy, Napoli or Naples in English is both the capital of the Campania region and the province of Naples. Due to the neighborhood of the Bay of Naples and the Mount Vesuvius this place is heart-stoppingly beautiful but at the same time makes you feel unsecure.

Almost 3000 years passed since the city was said to belong to Greece and was called Neapolis.

More about Napoli in our City Guide ...


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