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Airline Tickets from Krakow

TRAVEL GUIDE: Krakow, Poland
Airport Information: Krakow, Poland - Balice

General Info

Kraków Airport, Poland, Ul Kpt M Medweckiego 1, PL-32-083 Balice, POLAND
Tel: +48 (0)12 639 30 00, (Airport Management) +48 (0)12 639 33 01
Fax: +48 (0)12 411 79 77
Email: airport@krakowairport.pl

Information and Customer Care Desks


Available Facilities and Services


Car Parking Info


Driving by car from/to Krakow


Public Transportation from/to Krakow


Krakow city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Krakow panorama - popular sightseeings in Krakow The ancient Krakow is surely on of the most beautiful cities not only in Poland, but in whole Europe. The magnificent metropolis that lies on the bank of the Vistula River is well known for its historical and cultural monuments: there you can find at about 500 medieval buildings and more than 2 million art works. More than that, in Krakow takes place a lot of annual festivals. People say that this city has a magical power.

More about Krakow in our City Guide ...


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OrangeSmile.com reservation system provides online search and reservation facilities to book cheap airline tickets from the airport 'Krakow, Poland - Balice'. The complete range of flying classes is provided: budget economy class, business class and first class. The last-minute air tickets with discounts from Krakow are also available. Our database includes all the special offers, deals and hot rates provided by the airlines. Compare the airticket rates from Krakow for all airlines and book the best option. Book your flight ticket for a business or vacation trip from the airport 'Krakow, Poland - Balice' online.