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New Information About the Golf Resort by Donald Trump

News Previously, we told the news about the ambitious project of Donald Trump – a golf resort in Aberdeenshire. According to the latest information, Trump has cut the cost of the project several times and now plans to spend just £99.4m instead of £280m.

Trump started speaking about the golf resort project yet in 2011. At that time he planned to invest £280 million into a 5-star hotel with 450 guestrooms. Now it is reported that the resort will have only 140 guestrooms “at its first phase” and will cost £99.4 million. Trump has also released new images of the design. When the first version of the resort’s design appeared three years ago, critics called it “bad version of Disneyland”. Indeed, the Gothic-style building looked totally unnatural for the picturesque beauty of Scotland and its famous championship golf courses of Menie. After this, Architecture and Design Scotland involved into the project, and the concept of the resort was changed. The new design features a three storey building on the hill near the courses.

Even though the cost of the project has been cut dramatically, Trump still doesn’t plan to open his wallet until the Scottish government bans the Aberdeen coast wind farm project. Scottish authorities have a hard choice as European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre offers £230 million for the wind farm. Trump, on his hand, promises to make one of the best hotels in Europe and make the region one of the most popular golf destinations in the world. He is astonished by the beauty of the region, but will not build anything if the place is spoiled by “ugly wind turbines”.


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