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The Future of Travelling According

News Experts keep making their predictions concerning the future of our travelling. The report “From Chaos to Collaboration” issued by Amadeus with The Futures Co. contains some very interesting information.

Changes may be applied from the very start of our trips – from an airport. According to forecasts, by 2020 we will not need any papers anymore. Passengers will simply use their finger prints as a boarding pass, and a scan of retina will replace passport. People will also stop losing luggage thanks to the system of electronic tagging that will help to track the exact location of their bags.

The report also contains main trends of hotel development that will help guests to get richer travel experience.

First, manual check-in will be also replaced with contactless technologies or fingerprinting. Such intelligent system will help to solve the problem of queues near the administrator’s desk. Luggage will be secure thanks to tracking system.

‘Gamification’ of services is the second possible trend. In future travellers will get tired of just visiting sights. They will want to feel, for example, what it meant to be a gladiator in the ancient Rome. Game design and fast access to information will make rest more comfortable and interesting.

Of course, services will be more personalized thanks to a system of intelligent recommendations. Today many travellers read feedbacks of others prior to selecting a destination or booking hotels, but a couple of retired people may have different interests than a 20-year-old student. In future feedbacks will be sorted to display the ones that fit your interests or age group.

Business travellers will be able to make “a home away from home”. This means fast access to favorite music and videos, and better communication with family


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