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Global Pipeline in November 2011

News Even though it feels that the number of hotels in already enough to serve clients, especially when many people do no travel due to crisis, new and new players keep coming to this business.

There’s no need to guess what region occupies the first place. Asia/Pacific remains the hottest place where all major brands want to have their accommodations. In November 2011 the number of guestrooms in pipeline here estimated 348,653. As much as 1,443 hotels are built in this region at the moment.

In 2011 were opened 361 hotels in Asia/Pacific with over 64 thousand guestrooms. During the rest of December 38 more properties are expected to greet their first guests. The number of hotels opening in 2012 estimates 559, and the number of hotels expected for opening in 2013 is 395. As for November and December 2011, the majority of properties opened this month will belong to the luxury segment (9 hotels and 3022 guestrooms), upscale segment with 8 hotels and 2287 guestrooms occupies the second place, then goes upper upscale segment (8 hotels and 1,921 guestrooms), and, finally, upper midscale segment with 6 hotels (1,226 guestrooms).

The total number of hotels in pipeline in Europe estimates 869 (139,006 guestrooms in total). Hotels that belong to chain scale and upscale segments occupy the leading position in today’s pipeline. Their share exceeds 20%. Other large segments are upper midscale segment (19.2% and 26,726 guestrooms), upper upscale segment (15% and 20,802 guestrooms), and unaffiliated segment (19.2% and 26,755 guestrooms).

In the Middle East region that most popular countries are the United Arab Emirates (21,238 guestrooms in pipeline), Saudi Arabia (11,270 guestrooms), and Qatar (5,544 guestrooms in construction).


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