For example, locals consider touching the head to be one of the greatest insults. This rule of conduct is related to people of all ages, so don’t pet children in a way that may be common in many other countries. According to local tradition, the left hand is considered wicked, so all the important steps and gestures have to be made with the right hand.
It is prohibited to pass money and food with your left hand, as well as to touch your ​​companion; it can cause resentment of natives. During a walk through the city streets you can see that there is always a relaxed atmosphere even in very busy and crowded places. The fact is that on the street and in public places one should be quiet; public express of anger or joy is simply not accepted here. Surabaya is a large and modern city, which is no stranger to some European features.
Local people have stopped paying attention to the appearance of tourists who often appear in public places in rather colorful and extravagant clothes. Those who wish to show respect for local traditions and culture have to consider their outfit. It’s better to go for a walk in a classic dress of light colors, as visitor in bright and open outfit mayn’t be allowed to enter some restaurants and public places.
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