Virtually all major restaurants and shops accept credit cards, so it isn’t necessary to take large sums of cash with you. In case of withdrawing money from credit card through an ATM a fee making out 1 to 5% of the amount may be charged.
Stores open no later than 9:00 am and serve clients to 6:00 - 7:00 pm. In Saturday, working day is shorter, stores may close at 4:00 pm. Sunday is a day off common to all the shops and public institutions.
Holiday-makers should remember that sporting equipment should be stored in accordance with hotels rules. Almost all hotels have a special room where you can leave skis and other sports equipment. Carrying skis and other sports equipment to the room is prohibited.
It also impossible to enter in restaurants and cafes with sports equipment; all eating places are usually equipped with a special parking near an entrance. Before you leave a pair of skis at the entrance to a public institution, be sure to mark it. You can tie a bright ribbon or clip a card with the name of an owner. The fact is that many vacationers have very similar sports equipment and it can be easily confused with someone else's.
In restaurants and cafes it's common to leave a tip, 10% of the order would be sufficient. In some institutions, a service charge may be included in the bill, but you can round off the amount and leave an extra fee for a waiter.
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