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Airline Tickets from Granada

TRAVEL GUIDE: Granada, Spain
Airport Information: Granada, Spain - Granada

General Info

Granada Airport, Spain, E-18329 Granada, SPAIN
Tel: +34 958 24 52 00
Fax: +34 958 25 52 07
Email: infofgl@aena.es

Information and Customer Care Desks


Available Facilities and Services


Car Parking Info


Driving by car from/to Granada


Public Transportation from/to Granada


Granada city guide: sightseeings and touristic places

Granada panorama - popular sightseeings in Granada During the times of Christian Reconquista Granada was conquered by Moor. The situation changed in 1492 when the city passed to the Catholic rulers Fernando and Isabel. A lot of people were killed and a number of buildings were ruined. But there is one masterpiece that is still hosting visitors from all over the world, it is Alhambra. Alongside with Albayzin quarter it is a pride of Spain and a UNESCO national heritage site. Magnificent white buildings surrounded by lots of flowers are worth seeing. Granada is a young and full of life city due to a great number of students in its university.

More about Granada in our City Guide ...


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