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New Trends in the Hospitality Industry Revealed

News Nowadays, when the number of travelers grows year after year, simply booking a hotel in Paris, Lisbon, or a Berlin hotel and enjoying a clean room and a good breakfast is not enough. As new technologies continuously enter our lives, many people around the world adopt these technologies and want to use them not only at home but also on the go. Hotel Internet Services conducted a survey and asked people about their preferences and guest expectations.

It looks like online content like streams, voice commands, and IoT are the new hot trends in the industry. Hotel Internet Services asked over 700 guests and more than 200 hoteliers to answer a series of questions about online services and the functionality they require. It is interesting to compare the results because the company conducted similar studies in 2016 and 2018. The results of this year’s study prove that more guests become interested in in-room services at hotels.

The number of gadgets that guests bring to hotels is growing every year. Naturally, they want to connect these personal devices using a hotel’s Wi-Fi, so this service has already become a must and a standard. Almost half of the respondents (45%) say that they travel with at least two devices. More than 25% of the participants bring three devices. Finally, 10% of people said they weren’t traveling with at least four gadgets. Due to COVID-19, travelers spend more time in their rooms nowadays, and so quality Wi-Fi has become a necessity for hotels.

Various in-room experiences are also sought after today. More than 67% of guests said casting service in hotel rooms was important to them. People want to cast content from their devices to TVs in hotel rooms so much that half of the respondents say that the wireless casting feature affects their booking decisions. At the same time, only 26% of the participating hotels offered this feature. With the growing popularity of Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and Disney+, the importance of this feature will only grow.

The survey revealed some other trends that guests are increasingly interested in. Virtual assistants and voice commands are about to become mainstream too. As many as 68% of the respondents say that they want to be able to control hotel room amenities with their voice. 61% of the survey participants think they would use this technology if it was available. Finally, many people want to be able to use virtual assistants to get more information, make requests, and order services.


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