It is not a secret that people from some countries travel more than others. What destinations do they prefer? A new study reveals this and some other interesting information. For example, China was number 7 source travel market in the world in 2009. A decade later, Chinese people travel a lot more now the country is #2 in terms of the number of travelers who take vacations overseas.
The Global Destination Cities Index prepared by Mastercard studies the origins of modern tourists and their preferences in traveling. The report mentions that mainland China has become a sufficiently bigger source market of overseas traveling, and only the United States is currently ahead. The report also specifies the top choices of the most active international travel source markets.
The document can be useful for governments of different countries and hospitality companies as they can get more information on how to serve travelers better. The importance of the tourism industry is hard to overestimate. According to the information published by the World Travel & Tourism Council, tourism-related revenues accounted for US$8.8 trillion globally. More than 319 million people around the world work in this industry.
As it was mentioned above, the United States is the biggest origin market this year. It is followed by China. Other countries in the top five are the following: Germany, the United Kingdom, and France. The countries that occupy places 6 to 10 are the Republic of Korea, Japan, Canada, the Russian Federation, and Taiwan. All of these countries have quite different preferences and so their top travel destinations are also very different. For example, tourists from the United States usually visit Cancun (Mexico), Toronto (Canada), and London (the UK). Chinese travelers enjoy booking hotels in Bangkok as this is the most popular destination for mainland China followed by Seoul (Republic of Korea) and Tokyo (Japan).
Palma de Mallorca hotels are definitely full of guests from Germany every year as this is the top destination for travelers from this country. Germans also enjoy visiting Bolzano (Italy) and Tiroler Unterland (Austria). When it comes to Brits, they also like Palma de Mallorca the most but also do not forget about Paris (France) and Dublin (Ireland). French travelers are interested in hotels in London (the UK), Marrakech (Morocco), and Barcelona (Spain). Osaka hotels are the most popular search for Korean travelers who like Japan in general as the second and third most popular destinations for Koreans are also in this country Hokkaido and Tokyo.