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Myths About Millennial Travel

News Millennials have become a hot theme in hospitality industry. Numerous articles and researches try to separate these travelers from other age groups, but the new survey commissioned by American Express reveals that millennials have much in common with their parents who belong to the baby boomer generation. Both the age groups are very positive about a travel agent and enjoy using personal services.

Traveling agent is considered very important by vast majority of millennials. As many as 92.4% of respondents rate travel agents as “A” and say they used travel agent services at least once in the past 5 years, and that made travel experience better. Almost 60% of millennials are ready to pay more to get professional expertise.

When it comes to a hotel choice, millennials turned out to be quite conservative. More than 76% of respondents say they prefer to stay in a traditional hotel. That is nearly equal to baby boomers. Both the age groups (46%) consider enhanced in-room technology the most appealing modern hotel trend.

The approach to pre-packaged trips is also quite similar. Around 70% of millennials prefer personalized travel experience and are ready to put some effort into it. At the same time, 58.7% of millennials would buy a package deal if it were cheaper. If compared to baby boomers, 25% more millennials are ready to share their personal data with brands to get more personalized service.

Finally, millennials are really more active in social media. More than a half of respondents (54.9%) feel obliged to post reviews and share their feedback to help other travelers, while 25.8% of travelers in this age group agree they spend too much time in social networks during their travel.


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