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Most Guests Prefer to Leave Positive Comments

News The massive survey conducted by PreviewPro proves that the majority of travellers are satisfied with hotels and the share of negative reviews is only 10%. This conclusion is based on more than 15 million of reviews made in 24 languages. As many as 66% of hotel reviews were positive, while only 10.28% were negative.

The study performed by the Barcelona-based survey agency, covered more than 100 travel agencies and review websites. It was finished in November 2013. The survey also revealed some interesting information regarding reviews. For example, the longest reviews are made in English. Travellers, who used this language, were the wordiest. The average length of a review written in English was 528 characters. The second place was occupied by Italians – 387 characters. Reviews in French are generally around 315 characters, in Spanish – around 310 and in German – around 283 characters. At the same time, the shortest reviews were written by Polish, Danish, Norwegian, and Dutch travellers with Romanians taking the lead with 120 characters in a usual review.

When it comes to analysing positive comments by nation, Chinese comments are the most positive – 77.7%. Only 5% of Chinese reviewers made negative comments. Other positive reviews were made by English speaking travellers (69.8%) and Russians (68.5%). The biggest per cent of negative reviews was made by Greek, Korean and Arabic guests – their share of negative reviews was ranging from 15% to 19%. Travellers from Finland and Denmark made the biggest share of neutral reviews – 38.1% and 38.8% respectively.

Finally, judging by the number of reviews, 55.78% of all reviews were made in English, 8.4% were made in German, 7.6% of all reviews were made in French, and 6.3% were made in Spanish and Italian. Such emerging markets as Russia and China still produce very small share of all reviews - 1% and 1.9% respectively.


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