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New Sleep Rooms in Scandic Hotels

News According to numerous surveys, sleep is one of the most important factors for travellers. Indeed, after a long and tiresome journey there is nothing better than a good sleep. Uncomfortable bed can cause noise and waking up in the middle of the night, and, thus, can make your long awaited holiday not so pleasant. Today, it seems that everyone knows how sleep is important for wellbeing, but quality sleep is still something many of us can only dream about, especially when away from home. Scandic, a popular Nordic hotel chain, takes these surveys seriously and offers completely new sleeping experience to its guests.

Starting from October 2013, Scandic launches new “sleep rooms” that adopt newest innovations in the field of comfortable sleep. Now all travellers can be sure they will enjoy their sleep. First sleep rooms will appear in Scandic’s hotels in Sweden. All rooms of this kind are equipped with new “You Bed”. This Swedish bed can be adjusted in accordance with personal preferences of every guest. Using the control, guests can change the mattress softness to fit their own opinion about “a comfortable bed”.

Quite often, hotel guests cannot fall asleep because of noises or light coming through curtains. Sleep rooms do not have such problems. They are always located away from lifts, and all rooms are equipped with standard and additional extra thick curtains that allow sleeping in the daylight as well. In each room you will find such useful accessories as a sleep mask, ear plugs, relaxing music, and camomile tea. Finally, guests who enjoy a long lie will be happy to know about late checkout.

Currently, sleep rooms can be booked in approximately ten Scandic hotels in Sweden, and the hotelier plans to increase their number.


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