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Asia Pacific is the Leader in Global Pipeline

News According to the data provided by STR Global, in May Asia Pacific dominated the global pipeline with 1,613 hotels with the total of 372,451 guestrooms.

Starting from the beginning of 2012 149 new hotels were opened in this region. This added 29,667 guestrooms to the total hotel supply. 359 more hotels with 91,281 guestrooms are to open during the rest of the year. 69 hotels (23,954 guestrooms in total) will belong to the upper upscale segment, 59 hotels (17,247 guestrooms in total) will belong to luxury segment, and 88 properties (19,710 guestrooms in total) will be unaffiliated.

In 2013 as many as 526 hotels will be opened in Asia Pacific. They will add 116,632 guestrooms to the hotel supply of the region. The majority of hotels will be opened in the upscale segment – 149 properties and 34,067 guestrooms in total. In 2014, 344 more hotels are to open (87,486 guestrooms in total).

Current pipeline of Europe estimates 895 hotels with the total of 143,998 guestrooms. Hotels that belong to chains and upscale hotels have the biggest portions – approximately 21% of the total or 29,996 guestrooms. Unaffiliated hotels follow with 20.6% or 29,701 guestrooms. Surprisingly, the midscale segment has the smallest share with just 6.5% and 9,349 guestrooms. If counting by the number of rooms under construction, currently there are three hotel segments, which share is more than 15%. These are upper upscale segment with 11,802 guestrooms, upscale segment with 11,597 guestrooms, and upper midscale segment with 9,628 guestrooms.

The pipeline of hotels in the Middle East and Africa is currently is 492 properties with 125,235 guestrooms. The United Arab Emirates feature the biggest number of rooms under construction. Here the active pipeline is 35,683 rooms. Other countries of the region with more than 5,000 in the pipeline are Saudi Arabia (26,594 guestrooms), Egypt (8,931 guestrooms), Qatar (6,863 guestrooms), Morocco (5,928 guestrooms), and Oman (5,331 guestrooms).


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