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The Destiny of Hotels in London After the Olympics

News Without a doubt, London is one of the most notable cities of 2012. This summer the capital of the UK hosts Summer Olympic Games and so there’s no wonder that this event will attract many visitors. However, what awaits hotels in London the Games end? Some experts foresee that there will be a large slump in revenues that will surely spoil this year’s statistics. The latest report by TravelClick proves the opposite.

According to the company, there will be no giant slumps in London thanks to other events. For example, hotels in London already have bookings of around 30% for the August Bank Holiday weekend that starts on August 24 and lasts through August 27. This is 24.2% better comparing to 2011. Hotel rates are also 25.2% higher than in the same period of the previous year (the average rates for that period is £128.59 (US$162.36)).

Moreover, TravelClick mentions the statistics of the Vancouver Winter Olympics in 2010. At that time many hotels decided to over-price their rooms for the event, and they faced a huge drop as the games ended. London hoteliers seem not to stick to this strategy.


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