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Shangri-La hotel in Tokyo Suspends its Activities

News Shangri-La hotel in Tokyo has announced the suspension of its activities after the disastrous earthquake and tsunami in Japan in March the 11th. In the official announcement it’s said the activities of the hotel will be frozen at least until the middle of April.

All bookings made in this 200-key luxurious hotel are cancelled and the hotel will not accept any guests. The officials call the lack of energy as the main reason for this. As soon as energy supply reaches its original level, the hotel will get back to work as it is written in the statement of the company. The approximate date of resuming activities is April 16. Now all workers of this hotel are on a paid leave.

Due to lack of energy many hotels in Tokyo, primarily in the luxury segment, have limited their activities. For example, the Mandarin Oriental Tokyo has temporarily closed some of its bars and restaurants because of high energy consumption. The situation is planned to get back to regular operating in the nearest future.

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