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Group Travel Will be Hot in 2012

News TravelClick has published the results of its study, according to which demand for group travel will be strong during 2012. The information is obtained on the basis of reservations and group sales of hotels.

The number of bookings for group travelling in 2012 is already 5.4% higher than during the same period of 2011. This is only the beginning, as, according to experts, the demand will grow during 2012, and the growth will estimate 8% in the third quarter and already 10.9% in the fourth quarter of 2012. At the same time the growth of individual tourism, both leisure and business, will not show any significant growth. The biggest growth expected here is around 4.8% throughout the year.

Group travelling growth will, consequently, gear up ADR and RevPAR levels, which are expected to add 3.6% and 5.3% respectively.

Group bookings may become one of key factors of success for hotel in the tough situation caused by the global financial crisis. This is particularly true for business group travelling – nowadays many companies try to cut their expenses and, thus, make group bookings for their meetings and conferences.


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