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Shangri-La Hotels in Asia Stop Serving Shark Fin products in Its Restaurants

News Shangri-La has announced its new policy concerning the use of shark products in the company’s 72 hotels and resorts. From now all shark fin products are banned and their use is discontinued.

The hotelier has published “Sustainable Seafood Policy” that takes to action immediately. The new policy restricts serving shark fin in all restaurants operated by this hotelier. No new orders will be accepted. This also concerns food for banquets and events. However, all banquet bookings made prior to the date of publishing of the new policy will be honored. By the way, shark fin is not the only ingredient, which use is discontinued. The hotelier has also reported that it will steadily stop serving Chilean sea bass and Bluefin tuna. All restaurants by Shangri-La will stop using these products within a year. The reason for such decision is the environmental support.

According to the hotelier, it feels social responsibility and tries to help the nature of our planet. First actions on this field were made yet in 2005. ‘Shangri-La’s Care for Nature’ project has an aim to ensure biodiversity and habitat protection in all resorts of the company. The hotelier even develops marine sanctuaries near its resorts to make sure the reefs and underwater life are in safety.


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