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Glorious Statistics for Hotels in Abu Dhabi and Dubai

News After not very impressive first part of the year, hotels in Dubai and Abu Dhabi show amazing increase in occupancy according to the newest survey conducted by TRI Hospitality. Accommodations in these two emirates reached their level of 2007.

Hotels in Abu Dhabi feature the region’s largest increase in occupancy - 9.7%. Total occupancy estimated 82.8%. The occupancy of Dubai accommodations estimates 87.3%. It is also worth mentioning that hotels in Abu Dhabi had to drop their rates in October. The average night in the capital city costs US$156.9. This is 18.6% lower comparing to the same month a year ago. The average cost of rooms in hotels in Dubai estimated US196.9. This has helped to reach sufficient growth of RevPAR – 13.1%.

October is considered a successful month for the tourism sector of the emirates’ economy. Summer is traditionally very hot here, but October is cooler and, thus, better for rest. Experts of TRI Hospitality also mention that there is the growth from the side of both leisure and corporate tourists.

What about other countries of the region? Hotels in Cairo (Egypt) feature the occupancy of just 47.7% - this is the result of the ongoing political unrest in the country. Hotels in Riyadh and Jeddah, two main cities of Saudi Arabia, have slight decreases in occupancy. The occupancy of Jeddah accommodations fell by 2% and estimated 73.8%, while occupancy of Riyadh fell by 2.4% and estimated 69%.


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