Uruguay has just recently become popular with tourists from Europe and Russia. This is a very interesting and original country, a vacation in which will leave many unforgettable memories. The capital of the country, the city of Montevideo, is famous primarily for its architectural landmarks. This is a place where travelers are able to see buildings that belong to the colonial epoch, as well as beautiful old houses that border with modern buildings, office centers and banks. There are several parks and large squares in the city, where on any time of the day one can see unhurriedly walking local people and guests of the city.
The Independence Square is considered the largest square in Montevideo. The main place of interest in the city, Artigas Mausoleum, is also located there. There is one more sight right in front of the historical landmark. This is Palacio Salvo, the highest building in South America. Travelers are also recommended to visit Plaza Constitución square as near it they will find such a famous landmark as Iglesia Matriz de El Salvador church that was built in the eighteenth century. There are also many museums in Montevideo, the most famous being Museo del Gaucho y de la Moneda and the National Museum of History.
Fans of shopping are recommended to make a walk to Mercado del Puerto district. This old port district is the location of numerous trading centres and markets.
The suburbs of the capital are no less interesting. Here Colonia del Sacramento remains one of the most important tourist destinations. The city was founded during the colonial period, so beautiful buildings of that time have become its signature element. Every year the city hosts a big agricultural fair that attracts farmers and planters from all parts of the country. This is the time when it's possible to buy absolutely best vegetables and exotic fruit in the country.
Colonia Suiza is another great place to see old architectural landmarks. The town was founded in 1862 by settlers from Switzerland. Tacuarembó is also known as "the town of statues" because of a large number of statues and monuments located in it. Travelers will find interesting places on nearly every street and square of Tacuarembó. Finally, there are many picturesque villages near big cities. Here visitors will be able not only to walk in beautiful places, but also to purchase memorable souvenirs.
Read further:
Cities and sights of Uruguay