Driving in Saudi Arabia – Recommendations, Tips and Tricks
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13. Guests from other countries are recommended to avoid driving in the evening and at night. At night, when city roads are relatively free, young motorists often organize real car racing, showing each other their driving skills.
14. At night, locals usually turn on high beams, and this fact also complicates the situation on the road. Here we should mention that high beams can only be used if the weather conditions are bad.
15. Low cost of fuel remains one of the main features of Saudi Arabia. Here petrol is literally cheaper than water. The cost of one liter of fuel is approximately 0.6 SAR, but its quality remains at a high level.
16. The total length of roads in Saudi Arabia is more than 150,000 km, but only 45,500 km of these roads are paved. In large cities, the quality of roads is very good, and in remote areas of the country you are very likely to see rather low quality dirt roads, which sometimes are good only for off-road vehicles.
Hints on Car Hire in Saudi Arabia
When choosing a car for your Saudi Arabia trip, don’t forget to check and compare the franchise amount (indicated in the rental conditions) for all cars considered in your selection. The franchise may vary from 200 to 2000 euro/dollars even for cars of the same class. A thorough comparison will allow you to choose the option with the lowest franchise.
During your booking, we will offer you to take a full coverage of the franchise ('No Risk' or 'No Excess' package). If you book a car without full coverage, it is recommended to take it at the pick-up time - this will substantially reduce your financial liability in Saudi Arabia for the whole rental period.
During your car pick-up in Saudi Arabia, do not forget to check what to do in breakdown-, accident- or theft-cases. Most of our offers include 'Breakdown Assistance' package. Besides this, every rental office would be happy to assist you with this package.
Prior to the car return, please check your voucher for the fuel conditions. If it is indicated that a driver shall return the car with a full tank, do not forget to refuel it on the way back, this will save you from additional charges at the rental office.
If you are looking for a car hire in Saudi Arabia, we advise you to check OrangeSmile.com actual rental offers. Just use the orange search form at the top. We guarantee that you would not be able to find better rates anywhere else!
17. Riyadh is distinguished by the most quality roads in the country. A special type of asphalt is used in this city – this asphalt is resistant to heat absorption, so it protects drivers from the sweltering heat that is so usual for the daytime.
18. Since 1932, Saudi Arabia has remained the only country in the world where only men are allowed to drive a car. The fair sex will have to abandon the idea of traveling in the country in a personal car. The unusual rule applies even to foreigners.
19. Motorists, who have had an opportunity to travel on the roads of the United States, will certainly have the feeling of déjà vu in Saudi Arabia. All local roads and signs are made in the American manner, and the huge number of American cars on the road only makes this similarity more visible.
20. Six-lane freeways are very typical in the country. There are also roads that have four lanes in each direction. As a rule, the extreme right lane is dedicated to freight transport on freeways. Quite often it even has the asphalt of different quality than other lanes.
21. There are many one way roads and roundabouts in the territory of settlements. At roundabouts, cars that move in the circle have the advantage. At usual crossroads the traffic regulations are standard with the only exception – local rules allow turning right at the red light.
22. You will often see police checkpoints on busy highways. Moreover, policemen often patrol the streets on ordinary cars without any special markings. There also may be hidden cameras and radars installed on large roads, so it is not recommended to break traffic rules.
23. In large cities cameras are installed at every intersection and traffic lights, so do not even hope that your traffic violation will remain unnoticed. Here we should also mention that the system of issuing traffic tickets in Saudi Arabia is not the same as in other countries.
24. Within a year, the driver may not be aware that he needs to pay several fines. He can get the receipts for payment during the scheduled maintenance inspection, or when the driver decides to go to another country.
25. The local police have the right to charge a fine right on the spot. If the driver, for whatever reason, cannot pay the fine, he will receive a receipt, with which he can go literally to every bank to make the payment. All penalty receipts should be paid within a month. If this is not done, then the amount of the fine will be doubled.