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Japan’s Tourism Sector Provides 4.2 Million Jobs

News When we talk about tourism and its impact on the economy of a certain country, most people immediately think of hotels. Indeed, results of hotels’ business activities are relatively simple to calculate, but tourism has a significant impact on the economy of countries in general. Japan, one of the world’s most beloved destinations, is a good proof. Last year, the country’s tourism and travel sector almost doubled. The total contribution to the economy of Japan was JPY37,136 billion. That is the annual growth of 3.4%, which is significantly higher than the average growth of the economy of 1.6%.

Not only hotels in Tokyo benefit from this but also numerous companies involved in tourism sector across Japan. As the President of the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) mentions, the country has become increasingly popular with travelers. Japan is on its way to achieving 40 million international visitors a year. With the Tokyo Olympic Games 2020 approaching and interest raising, this goal doesn’t look that hard to achieve.

The report provided by WTTC also contains some interesting information. For example, the country’s travel & tourism supported as many as 4.2 million jobs in Japan in 2017. That is 6.4% of the total country’s employment. This number will be slowly growing and will reach 4.5 million jobs by 2028. Currently, Japan is the 4th largest economy in the world.

The fact that tourism & travel industry in Japan is growing twice more intensively than the economy on average only underlines the importance of this sector for the country. The industry not only creates jobs but also drives the economy of the country and even helps to build better societies. The Japanese Government might want to launch various promotional programs to invite more people to visit the country and develop new sustainable projects that will not harm Japan’s natural resources.

The global importance of tourism and travel sector is hard to overestimate. Last year featured one of the highest GDP growths within a decade. In total, the sector contributes to 10% of the global GDP. Each one person in ten works in the industry that is in one way or another connected with tourism and travel. Moreover, this is one of the most rapidly developing sectors – 20% of all new jobs created over the last ten years were in travel and tourism. With right support from the government, as many as 100 million new jobs can be created within next ten years.


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