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Six Senses Samui Goes Green

News Six Senses hotel on the Thai island of Samui will attract tourists who like environment-friendly accommodation. The latest initiative of the hotel includes Farm on the Hill, a modern environment-friendly farm for hotel guests and local community.

The importance of the farm appeared from the peculiarities of the region. There is a large amount of organic waste such as branch trimmings in the area, as well as unutilized grey water and very little of soil rich in nutrients. Therefore, it was decided to add 15-20 goats, 80 chickens and a special system to filter greywater. These steps have not only helped to make soil good for agriculture, but also provide organic eggs and goat milk for hotel guests. The soil is now used to grow fresh and organic vegetables that are also served at the hotel. The grey water is now filtered and then remineralized using a natural red reed bed system. After that the water becomes suitable for irrigation. Members of local community feed goats and chickens, collect eggs, grow organic vegetables and consume them. Hotel guests are also welcome to participate in these activities.

Originally, Farm on the Hill was intended to become a small proof of the hotel’s commitment to sustainability. However, in just a short time it has turned into a provider of organic products for both the hotel and the community. Now Six Senses Samui plan to expand the farm and make even greater use of surrounding lands.


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