There was always a belief that Chinese travelers prefer to book cheaper hotels in order to save more for shopping, but a new study by ITB Berlin and IPK International seems to break the myth.
According to the 2015 data, more than 80% of Chinese travelers chose 4- and 5-star hotels during their travel abroad. That accounts for 62% of accommodation on all trips made. That is higher than the average global ratio, where luxury hotels account for 40% of all bookings. China also remains the leading source market for travel agencies and various catalogue bookings.
Chinese travelers become more interested in making trips abroad. In 2015, the increase in foreign trips estimated 23%. China enjoys the world’s leading position in the growth of outbound tourism. Last year, the Chinese made 45.2 million international trips if count without trips to Hong Kong and Macau. That means a solid growth of 8 million trips compared to 2014. China has become the fourth largest source market with only Germany, the United States and the United Kingdom behind.
When choosing a destination, Chinese prefer other Asian countries, namely Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea and Japan. The US occupies the fourth place, followed by such European destinations as Germany, France, Switzerland, Spain and Austria.