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Pipeline of Hotels in Germany Increases to Meet the Growing Demand

News German tourism is on a rise these days as more and more global tourists discover the country and enjoy sights of Berlin, old German palaces, and numerous festivals. To meet the increased number of visitors, this year as many as 193 new hotels will greet their first guests. According to Rotenburg-based company Tophotelprojects, that will add 23,300 new guestrooms to hotel market of the country. In 2015, 120 new hotels were opened in Germany.

As it is stated in the report of the International Hotel Association (IHA), Germany has become a true magnet for foreign guests. Many travelers choose the country as their holiday destination. Moreover, Germans have also become more into domestic traveling thanks to cheaper hotel rates. In 2014, the average room price in Germany was 87 euro per night, breakfast included. That is 2 euro lower than the average nightly hotel price in the European Union.

Currently, the hotel supply of Germany includes 13,000 hotels with approximately 600,000 guestrooms. Bigger hotels become increasingly popular in the country, while small hotels such as guesthouses or family run hotels become less popular as they cannot compete on prices and standards. In 2014, the total number of beds in hotels in Germany added 0.5%, but the number of businesses decreased by 2%. The occupancy for the year added 2.3% to 70.1% in total.

The majority of hotels that are set to open this year belong to three – four star segments.


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