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Harvest Tribute Cocktails at a Parisian Hotel

News The Shangri-La hotel in Paris has launched its new menu called “Autumn Collection”. The hotel, which is located in the private demeure of Prince Ronald Bonaparte, offers its guests to try original cocktails dedicated to seasonal fruit and vegetables. The cocktails can be ordered at the hotel’s bar and have become available there since September 22, so guests can sample the taste of the new season. The original owner of the building, Prince Ronald Bonaparte, was a big fan of botany and travelling, and his passion helped him assemble the largest herbarium in the world with the total of 2.5 million samples. Previously, guests could see the collection as it was exhibited in the building.

The Autumn Collection includes two vegetable and four fruit cocktails. Each fruit and vegetable is paired with a particular spirit that unleashes its natural taste and flavor. The vegetable cocktails include beetroot and pumpkin, while the fruit ones include kiwi, fig, grape and pear. The choice of fruit and vegetables is not random as it overviews French regions. The cocktails can be ordered at the bar and cost 26 euro each. Guests, who do not like alcohol cocktails, can select from two non-alcohol ones made with almond milk and Medjool dates and the second one with carrots and ginger. The cocktails are served in unusual glass jars and cost 20 euro each.


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