As a rule, hotels provide accommodation for guests and for their pets, but Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc in Antibes, France, has definitely made a step forward by offering shelter for quite unusual visitors, which are as a rule not welcome at other hotels insects. The hotel, which is a part of the Oetker Collection, has made a temporary shelter for various species of insects. The shelter is installed in the park of the hotel and is also used as home to the population of bees that lives there.
The accommodation for insects will become home for various species like solitary bees, earwigs, beetles, ladybugs, butterflies, and more. The “insect hotel” will become home for insects that cannot find a suitable place to live due to deterioration of the natural environment. The shelter consists of several parts with wood shavings, drilled logs, moss, branches and more, making it resemble natural conditions where insects live.
The creation of the “insect hotel” will help enriching micro fauna at Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc and will provide more information and knowledge to guests about environment protection.