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Unicef Charity at Family Resort Club Mac in Mallorca

News Club Mac hotel in Port d’Alcudia, the north coast of Majorca, is a great example of how hotels can participate in charity activities. The hotel has raised 13,495 euro in the past two years. In total, Club Mac transferred over 30,000 euro to Unicef to sponsor its programs to fight child sexual exploitation.

The hotel’s director Miguel Amengual explained the choice of charity by the nature of Club Mac. Club Mac Alcudia is a resort that specializes on family travel, and so around 30% of guests of the resort are children. That’s why supporting Unicef programs seemed natural for management of the hotel.

It became possible to raise money thanks to donations of hotel guests who participated in different activities. Club MAC Alcudia regularly hosts various programs and activities to make family holidays at the hotel even more enjoyable. One day per season is always dedicated to Unicef events, which are very popular with hotel guests. For all its attempts, the hotel was awarded the Travelife Gold Certificate – the highest sustainability certification for hotels in such themes as human rights and child protection.

Club Mac is a 3 star resort for families. The resort offers nine different pools, day and night entertainment for all ages, a water park, various sports facilities, and drinks and food included in the price.


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