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Main Hotel Industry Trends 2015

News According to the last Las Vegas Trend Report, this year hotels will be even more targeted at millennials. This growing generation of travelers becomes a group that all hoteliers dream to see their loyal customers. Other main trends include the rise of wellness-themed travel, more attention to social spaces design, and even greater use of mobile technologies.

Analysts predict that 2015 will be a year of technical integration. Mobile use will only grow, same as wireless in-room integration. Millennials are a generation that grew up with technology around them, so for them it’s an essential daily necessity. Naturally, hoteliers will try to offer better services for that group, so in 2015 we will see boom of in-room technologies as well as various entertainment offerings. Many hotels are very interested in launching easy payment systems throughout their hotels. They can be done as special bracelets that can be used to make purchases in shops or pay for drinks in bar, or guests will be asked to install special applications to their smartphones and use them as payment method.

Main food and beverage trends for this year include various fish menus with more unknown fish offered, more types of craft beer, dishes inspired by booze, and increased popularity of champagne. Spa and fitness centres will also offer something new. These will be new treatments, for example oxygen masks, new improved anti-cellulite programs, and traditional activities in new places, for example, yoga and massages in swimming pool.


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